Solar Heat Market Segments:
State of play and prospects to reach climate neutrality by 2025
Wednesday 28 August 2024,
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to join the industry session which it has been invited to organize in the context of the upcoming scientific congress of EUROSUN, planned in Limassol, Cyprus.
EuroSun 2024 is jointly organized by ISES, the International Solar Energy Society and the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme. Locally, the conference will be hosted by the Cyprus University of Technology.
The conference programme will include distinguished keynote speakers, technical oral and poster sessions, workshops, technical tours, dedicated events for young researchers as well as social events. To see the full programme of Eurosun, CLICK HERE.
Our joint SHE/IEA SHC Industry session is open to all Eurosun participants free of charge and will provide concrete testimonials from industry experts and focus on the various market applications for solar heat namely; residential and tertiary buildings, but also district heating and industry. These “hands on” testimonials will be highly informative, complementary to the more research-oriented nature of the conference and will include panel sessions enabling interaction with the audience.
The session is also organised in collaboration with SolarHub, CRES and Sammler.
More information at the links below:
Conference homepage
For those of you aiming to attend this session in particular (and not the whole Eurosun congress), a special package is proposed including networking events, lunch and dinner for 200 euros.
In case you have any question, please do not hesitate to reach out to info@solarheateurope.eu and eurosun@ises.org
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